Thursday, June 23, 2016

Chick-fil-A and More Bats!

23 June, 2016

This week has flown by- yesterday was my half-way mark for the MTC!!! But things are going well. It has been a little challenging this week trying to keep up my language study plan and making sure I stay working at it all the time but I also know I shouldn't be too stressed about it since this Italian thing is just going to take time. 
Teaching has been going well, not every experience goes as well or exactly as I planned but I know that is just part of the learning process and I am always excited for more opportunities to improve.

Generally we are on more of a routine schedule now, except this week has been full-force nuts getting ready for the Mission Presidents to arrive for their training. They slowly shut down building 1M- the main building where we eat- all throughout last week and things were completely crazy haha. Last Sunday they took out half the seating in the cafeteria because they were setting up the teaching stage/podium for the conference but there were so many missionaries that we just started sitting on the floor or standing at any open counter #streetlife. Also I shed a few tears inside because the food deteriorated rapidly- they took down the salad bar, wrap bar, and basically I have been living off toast, peanut butter, apples, bananas, and oranges :) They hit an all-time low Tuesday morning when they ran out of rolls for biscuits and gravy at breakfast (which looks pretty sketchy anyway) and just started serving gravy on wonder bread, untoasted LOLOLOL HELLLPPPP. The kitchen staff feel really bad about it. Slla Shelton and I were chatting with them after lunch Tuesday and asking how everything was going to work and they told us that Chick Fil A is coming again! That is how I survived last week and the cafeteria shutting down with Slla Morgan- we honestly had a countdown going we were so excited. But as we were talking to the staff they were super cool and nice and offered to find a calendar for us, then their supervisor came over and started chatting and he is the nicest guy! He said he had a gift for us and came back with a peach Chick Fil A shake!!!!! Talk about tender mercies haha. But it was really nice of him and now we see him all the time and are pals.

Also I forgot to tell you- last Thursday night we were put on lockdown AGAIN because there was ANOTHER pipistrella (bat) loose in the hall!!! They had security guards in the halls patrolling and we had to sneak into the bathroom to brush our teeth before bed! Slla Morgan got booted out of the shower and we just sat quarantined in our rooms for 35 minutes since apparently our building is a bat cave. Oh gioia (joy).

The Lord's Hand

I had a cool experience in the temple last Thursday as well. We went to do initiatories and while I was waiting to move on the lady working looked down and said "God loves you very much, I can feel it." It was such a sweet experience and definitely how I saw the Lord's hand in my life that day, feeling of her genuineness and spiritual power.
Other ways I have felt the Lord guiding me is through our teachers. Last week especially we were all struggling to stay motivated and were all pretty tired, but our cute teachers Slla Francom and Russell really took the time to spiritually teach and help us. In the morning we went around the room as a district and told each other the growth we've seen in one another these past 2 weeks and what we appreciated about each other. That was a much-needed booster for morale and we also have watched a lot of the District and videos about Christ which are always spiritually uplifting.

All-in-all, I have seen myself grow so much through this missionary experience, and I know I am only 3 weeks in! But I know it's going to go so fast and all I have been able to think about is how I will be in Italy in less than a month. Lately I have been thinking about the President Hinckley quote about forgetting yourself and getting to work and that is what I want to focus on more, on the service and on the people I am getting ready to teach. In our last devo the speaker talked about John chapter 15 and how we can become better disciples of Christ, comparing us to a plant that needs to be pruned. I have felt that throughout my whole life but especially here on the mission. I have been pruned by the Lord. He has cut out the dead vines and things that don't matter to my life, and has at times cut back at the things that I thought I wanted or needed, but he did it and does it so that I can focus my energy and nourishment on reaching deep down into my roots, so that I can  bloom even more fully in the future. Sometimes we have to be pruned to bloom more fully and I know that is the case in my life. 
I am grateful for this gospel and the joy it gives me, and I am so excited for the further pruning and blooming that lies ahead. God is our loving Heavenly Father and Christ our gardener. They know who they want us to be and who we can become if we let them help us and I'm so grateful for this refining journey!

Sorella Gleave Xx

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

6/9/2016 - First email home
OK so overview or whatever of this week- IT WAS AMAZING. And I am not one to normally use all-caps but truly from Sunday till now I have had multiple experiences that have fortified me immensely and truly I feel that throughout this whole experience, I have felt the constant peace of the Spirit more consistently than ever before in my life. It is so tangible that truly I have not had a single meltdown or really been fixated on any particular worry- even the language- because every time I go to doubt myself or something it is as though the Lord is right there next to me, with a hand on my back, guiding me forward and reassuring me that there is no doubt there and that everything will come as it should.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

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